So, thumbtacks? Well, first, thumbtacks are highly important - they hold important things down (or up), for one. Examples would be, say, a card, a list, a notice, directions, etc. I guess things that you may not look upon often, but things that need to be easy to find. Sometimes, they mark important points or direct your attention, be they in person or via virtual.
I began searching for a picture to post here. You know, some stock photo from a Google search. In doing so, I happened to look up from my desk to see the maps hanging on our office wall.
You see, these thumbtacks (or better termed pins) are placed on the maps, one for every timber frame that Lancaster County Timber Frames, Inc. (LCTF, Inc.) has erected since its inception in 1997. There are hundreds and hundreds of them. At one time, we had to make the decision to have a Pennsylvania/New Jersey map blow up just for those pins (yes, I'm aware that PA now looks as though it has measles).
But, I digress. These pins, and every pin that gets added when a timber frame job ships out, are a source of pride for me, for the other owners, for the crew, and for the client/home they depict. They represent our work, our passion. There are pins in Colorado, New Mexico, South Carolina, Wisconsin, Massachusetts, North Carolina and on and on. I smile fondly when I look at them and see trends or just remember a particular job that the pin represents. I smile even broader to see perspective clients enter and watch their eye be drawn to the board and take it in. So, for LCTF, Inc. thumbtacks represent pride and passion...doubtful the makers of the item thought that was the track it was going to take, but you never know, right?
Funny...and originally my post was going to be about how thumbtacks are an item that will never go out of style, much like duct tape and super glue. But, I like this direction more. What do you think?
Feel free to browse the others! Or you can look them up on :) Enjoy!
Love this idea, Amy. I think we'll start a shed map (of Florida) for our Historic Sheds!
I'm thrilled to see all the great buildings on the map - spread quality and beauty all around! Nice post.
I love this! There's nothing better than a good visual + tactile representation of what you've accomplished so far to have up there in plain view, and to inspire you to continue the great work!
Yes, I like this direction too and I'm sure the thumbtacks are a great motivation in your company.
Great minds do think alike!!
Reminds me of military maps that you see in movies that pinpoint objectives and major battles - you're conquering the northeast for the advancement of timber! A worthy cause if I do say so myself. Love the maps - great way to keep track of ever-expanding business!
That's awesome Amy. Great idea, too.
love the idea & direction you took - nice seeing all the places & people you have helped
Wonderful Amy and I, too like the direction that you went. I think you might want to consider a larger map soon or smaller pins. The visual also says mountains as to the company and its reach and success!
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